
This week in Alberta agriculture.

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Published each Monday, Agri-News covers the latest on all things agriculture in Alberta. Find news on livestock, crops and markets, research, food and beverage production, and programs and events. Information published in this newsletter is intended for redistribution – feel free to share! If you reproduce articles, please mention the source.

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Green barley field stretching into the distance under a blue sky with white clouds
Barley prices have been slipping lower during this crop year.
Dugout - body of water surrounded by green plants, field and trees
Water conservation can help reduce costs, improve animal health and productivity, and protect the environment for the future.
Dark brown mother cow standing along side an orange fence, with her light brown and white calf standing next to her. Green field and trees in the distance.
2023 provided strong cattle prices and opportunities for profit.
Silver metal grocery cart with a green handle filled with produce, 2 French baguettes wrapped in plastic an paper, lettuce, green onions, bananas, tomatoes
As the main food source for many consumers and the main sales outlet for many processors, the grocery sector plays a critical role.
White, orange and green tractor emptying harvested crops into a green and red combine
It is imperative to closely watch depreciation costs in the upcoming years, especially if commodity prices move lower.
Group of pigs in a pig pen
With lower pork production globally, there still is hope for stronger prices but the pork industry may need to ride out tough times first.
Cut your own Christmas tree, firewood and more for free from designated Crown land areas.
Canola field
Continued strong crushing demand and improved export demand is needed for Canadian canola prices to sustain improvement.
After a dry wildfire season, smart winter burning practices can make a big difference in reducing the number of human-caused wildfires.
White quonset structure with 2 large sliding doors open
Over the past decade, Alberta's shop rates have shown a consistent upward trend.
Herd of brown cattle walking, grazing in a green field with rolling green hills in the background
Even with record high cattle prices and the strong demand for beef, producers have not responded with herd expansion.
Books could be a perfect gift for someone in commercial production.