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2023 Alberta approved farmers' markets now open

Alberta approved farmers’ markets are identifiable to the public by the Sunnygirl logo.

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“We have more than 145 approved markets serving about 110 communities around the province that are open throughout the summer,” says Eileen Kotowich, farmers’ market specialist with the Alberta government. “This includes 20 markets that operate year-round.”

“Alberta approved farmers’ markets are a bit different from public markets, even though they may both be called a farmers’ market,” says Kotowich. “Approved farmers’ markets meet minimum standards set out by the government, one of which is to provide preferential access to Alberta entrepreneurs through the ‘80/20 Rule’ where a minimum of 80% of the products must be produced in Alberta by the vendor. Look for the Sunnygirl logo at the market or signs that say the market is approved.”

Alberta’s farmers’ markets offer a diverse selection of goods. At this time of year there are greenhouse bedding plants and vegetables, early season vegetables, and preserves, baking, prepared foods, and other year-round products like meat, eggs and honey.

“Part of the success of farmers’ markets is that consumers want to know where their food comes from and to make that connection with the producers. It gives you a feeling of trust when you can look the producer in the eye and talk to them about how they raise their animals, grow their crops or prepare their ready-to-eat foods. The vendors love to talk about their products so don’t be afraid to ask questions.”

Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation introduced a mobile app for both Apple and Android devices a few years ago. This app allows users to easily find any Alberta approved farmers’ markets in their area or around the province, by searching by day of the week or name or type of market. If markets add special markets or change locations or times, the information is updated immediately so that all the up-to-date information about the market is at your fingertips.

Visit to download the app or to view an interactive map of Alberta approved farmers’ markets.

For more information, see:

Alberta approved farmers’ markets


For more information, connect with Eileen Kotowich:
Phone: 780-853-8223

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