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Public agencies, boards and commissions

Learn about Alberta government agencies, agency governance, and serving on a board.

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Public agencies, boards and commissions


Agencies, boards and commissions (public agencies), provide services to Albertans and communities in a diverse range of areas such as healthcare, education and regulatory oversight.

The term public agency refers to an organization established by the Government of Alberta with authority to perform or provide a public function or service for Albertans.

Generally, a public agency is a board, commission, tribunal or other organization that is:

  • established by government but not part of a government department
  • given responsibility to perform a public function
  • accountable to government
  • given some degree of autonomy from government

The Government of Alberta uses the terms 'public agency' and 'agencies, boards and commissions' (ABCs) interchangeably.

There are 2 types of public agencies in Alberta:

  1. Those that meet the criteria of the Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act (APAGA).
  2. Those that fall outside the scope of APAGA (non-APAGA public agencies).

For further information on which public agencies meet this criteria, please see sections 1(1)(i), 1(4) and 1(5) of APAGA.

If you're interested in serving on a board:

Accountability to government

Public agencies operate at arm's length from government. However, public agencies are linked to particular ministries based on their mandate and enabling legislation and are accountable to the responsible minister.

Some of Alberta's public agencies are governed by representative boards where a certain number of director positions are allocated to specific stakeholder groups. Often, the selection of these individuals is assigned by the government to the stakeholder group. Once the stakeholder has nominated a candidate, the individual is generally appointed to the role by Cabinet or the responsible minister.

In other cases, both the selection and appointment of these individuals is assigned by the government to the stakeholder group. These representative boards are unique, as government doesn't play a role in the approval of these appointments.

The Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act (APAGA) provides mechanisms to ensure that public agencies are governed appropriately and in the public interest.

Categories of public agencies

Alberta's public agencies can be divided into 5 categories:

  1. Regulatory/Adjudicative: Regulatory agencies that license, make rules and/or oversee a sector (for example, the Agricultural Products Marketing Council). Adjudicative agencies make independent, quasi-judicial decisions (for example, the Metis Settlements Appeals Tribunal). Some public agencies may perform both regulatory and adjudicative functions (for example the Natural Resources Conservation Board).
  2. Public Trust: Agencies that administer provincial financial and/or other assets in the public interest. Examples include the Alberta Investment Management Corporation (financial assets) or the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (other assets).
  3. Corporate Enterprise: Agencies that provide or sell goods or services to the public in a commercial manner (for example, Alberta Treasury Branches).
  4. Service Delivery: Agencies that provide and/or direct government services (for example, Alberta Health Services Board and the boards of post-secondary institutions such as the Board of Governors of the University of Alberta).
  5. Advisory: Agencies that provide advice to government (for example, Northern Alberta Development Council).