Advisory: Dangerous Animal - Magrath
Cancelled Jun 08, 2023 at 02:05 PM
Source: Town of Magrath
Issued: Jun 08, 2023 at 02:05 PM
- Alert: Jun 08, 2023 at 10:55 AM
- Cancel: Jun 08, 2023 at 02:05 PM
Description: This is an Alberta Emergency Alert. The Town of Magrath has cancelled the alert for a Dangerous Animal.
A cougar has been reported seen on the Magrath trail.
Area: The Magrath nature trail, campground, and Jubilee park fish pond.
Affected areas (1):
- Magrath
Action to take:
- The trail is not closed, but a high degree of caution is recommended keep pets on leash while walking
- Awareness signage is and it is requested you see the cougar, take a photo if safe to do so and call the Fish and Wildlife Lethbridge Office immediately at 403-381-5266
- In an emergency call 911
- If you encounter a cougar:
- Stop
- Never approach a cougar at any time for any reason
- Stay Calm
- Face the cougar, do not turn your back towards it
- Do not run or encourage a chase, walk backward away
- Appear Large
- Do not bend over or crouch down
- Raise your hands
- Pick up small children