This is an Alberta Emergency Alert. The Evacuation Order is still in effect in Yellowhead County for the area east of Shiningbank to the Rail Line north of Niton.

Critical: Wildfire - Yellowhead County (Issued May 22, 2023 at 06:39 PM)

Critical: Wildfire - Yellowhead County

Issued May 22, 2023 at 06:39 PM

Source: Yellowhead County

Issued: May 22, 2023 at 06:39 PM


Description: This is an Alberta Emergency Alert. The Evacuation Order is still in effect in Yellowhead County for the area east of Shiningbank to the Rail Line north of Niton.

There is a wildfire east of Shining Bank Lake. Evacuation routes: south on Range Rd 130 or Highway 32, west on Highway 748 or south on Highway 751. Reception Centre is Holiday Inn in Edson (4520 2 Ave). Register at the Reception Centre. Or call 1-833-334-4630 for evacuee registration information.

Area: Evacuation area is: North of CN Rail Line above Niton, east of Highway 32, South of Township Rd 570 east to Range Rd 130, south to Township Rd 561, and east to Range Rd 110.

Affected areas (1):

  • Yellowhead County

Action to take:

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