Alberta Emergency Alert - Critical Alert Issued for the Hamlet of Watino Updated

Critical: High Water Level - Birch Hills County (Updated Jul 03, 2020 at 06:41 PM)

Critical: High Water Level - Birch Hills County

Updated Jul 03, 2020 at 06:41 PM

Source: Central Peace Regional Emergency Management Agency

Issued: Jul 03, 2020 at 06:41 PM


Description: Alberta Emergency Alert - Critical Alert Issued for the Hamlet of Watino Updated

Due to high water levels on the Smoky River, Birch Hills County has issued a Mandatory Evacuation Order for the Hamlet of Watino and surrounding low-lying areas.

Go to for additional and current flood forecast information.

Area: Birch Hills County

Affected areas (1):

  • Birch Hills County

Action to take:

  • Evacuate immediately
  • Report to the Reception Centre at Tangent Community Hall
  • If you need transport call 780-814-0530 to evacuate
  • Follow the directions of local authorities
  • Listen for further updates and follow the instructions that apply to your area
  • Be aware of areas known to flood easily such as streams, drainage channels and canyons
  • Move to high ground
  • Avoid low lying areas

Additional information:

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