Alberta Emergency Alert: Overland Flow Flood Alert Updated

Advisory: Overland Flood - Parts of Alberta (Updated Apr 26, 2020 at 08:06 PM)

Advisory: Overland Flood - Parts of Alberta

Updated Apr 26, 2020 at 08:06 PM

Source: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Issued: Apr 26, 2020 at 08:06 PM

Description: Alberta Emergency Alert: Overland Flow Flood Alert Updated

The Athabasca River and Clearwater River and Hangingstone River are flooding in areas in Fort McMurray. Mandatory Evacuation orders are in place for the Communities of Draper, Longboat Landing, Waterways and Ptarmigan Court Trailer park, and the Taiga Nova Industrial Park, and the public must not be in these areas.

All evacuees should report to the drive thru reception center that has been set up at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre at 515 MacKenzie Boulevard. Everyone should continue to social distance where possible while evacuating and registering. If immediate assistance is needed while evacuating, call 911. Go to for more information.

Area: Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Affected areas (27):

  • Wood Buffalo
  • Janvier 194
  • Gregoire Lake 176
  • Gregoire Lake 176A
  • Clearwater 175
  • Devil's Gate 220
  • Chipewyan 201
  • Chipewyan 201A
  • Chipewyan 201B
  • Chipewyan 201C
  • Chipewyan 201D
  • Chipewyan 201E
  • Chipewyan 201F
  • Chipewyan 201G
  • Old Fort 217
  • Allison Bay 219
  • Sandy Point 221
  • Dog Head 218
  • Cornwall Lake 224
  • Collin Lake 223
  • Charles Lake 225
  • Fort McKay 174
  • Namur River 174A
  • Namur Lake 174B
  • Fort Mackay
  • Thebathi 196
  • Thabacha NĂ¡re 196A

Action to take:

  • Members of the public must stay away from all river systems in Fort McMurray and not be travelling in the downtown area unless absolutely necessary
  • All evacuees must go to the drive thru Registration Centre at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre.

Additional information:

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