Alberta Emergency Alert - Water Supply Alert - Hamlet of Blackie Updated

Advisory: Water Supply - Parts of Alberta (Updated Jun 26, 2019 at 11:33 AM)

Advisory: Water Supply - Parts of Alberta

Updated Jun 26, 2019 at 11:33 AM

Source: Foothills County

Issued: Jun 26, 2019 at 11:33 AM


Description: Alberta Emergency Alert - Water Supply Alert - Hamlet of Blackie Updated

Water service has now been repaired in Blackie. Water lines are being flushed and the reservoir re-filled. A Boil Water Advisory will remain in effect until Alberta Health Services advises it may be cancelled. Potable water continues to be available at the Blackie Arena between Noon and 8:00 pm daily.

Updates will be provided at

Area: Foothills #31

Affected areas (7):

  • Foothills No. 31
  • High River
  • Longview
  • Turner Valley
  • Black Diamond
  • Okotoks
  • Eden Valley 216

Action to take:

  • Bring water to rolling boil for minimum 1 minute and cool before use in cooking, washing food, making ice, baby formula or brushing teeth
  • Use bottled water when possible.

Additional information:

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