Alberta Emergency Alert - Wildfire Alert

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta (Issued May 29, 2019 at 05:17 PM)

Critical: Wildfire - Parts of Alberta

Issued May 29, 2019 at 05:17 PM

Source: Alberta Emergency Management Agency on Behalf of County of Northern Lights

Issued: May 29, 2019 at 05:17 PM


Description: Alberta Emergency Alert - Wildfire Alert

The High Level fire is expanding south, the Ferry at La Crete is closed and Highway 35 north of Keg River is closed. For your safety everyone in Keg River, and Carcajou, including residents from the northern border of the County of Northern Lights south to Township Rd. 922 must evacuate immediately. Use Highway 35 to travel south to evacuate these areas.

Go to for up to date Road Report information.

Area: Northern Lights #22

Affected areas (2):

  • Northern Lights No. 22
  • Manning

Action to take:

  • Everyone in Keg River, Carcajou, and residents living in the northern border of the County of Northern Lights south to Township Rd
  • 922, known as the Noitkewin Rd., must evacuate immediately to the south using Highway 35
  • If you are physically unable to evacuate on your own accord and require assistance, call the County Office at 780 836 3348 and together, we will make a plan with you

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