The Training Academy accredits – through its review and approval process – the training programs for officers appointed under the Peace Officer Act:
- Alberta peace officers
- community peace officers
The Training Academy accredits peace officer training programs for up to 5 years to ensure that participants:
- get the knowledge and skills they need
- take training that aligns with best practices for adult learning
- complete assessments to show what they’ve learned
Program review
Accreditation is mandatory for all training courses within the criteria outlined below. Non-accredited courses submitted to the Peace Officer Program as proof of training completion will not be accepted.
The Training Academy must review your peace officer training if it includes:
- vehicle training, including traffic stops, emergency vehicle operations, and more
- communication skills, including verbal and non-verbal de-escalation and court testimony
- use of force and physical control tactics, including baton, OC spray and handcuffing
- report writing and note taking
- legal studies, including peace officer authorities, limitations and jurisdiction
- other equipment as approved by the Director of Law Enforcement, such as shotguns and PepperBall® devices
Refer to the Accreditation Guidelines which outlines the process and requirements for training program reviews, including supporting documentation to assist with the process.
Get your training program reviewed
Step 1. Download the guidelines
Accreditation guidelines for peace officer training programs
Step 2. Prepare your program package
Read the Accreditation Guidelines document carefully. It explains:
- the minimum standards that are required for your program to receive accreditation
- how to prepare the submission package for your peace officer training program
Step 3. Submit your program package
Send your program package to the Training Academy by using one of these methods:
- USB flash drive
- Alberta government file transfer service
The Accreditation Guidelines document explains each submission method in detail.
After you submit the package
The Training Academy will:
- Email you confirmation that your program package has been received.
- Review your program package.
- If necessary, contact you about required changes to your program. You’ll have 6 months to make the changes and resubmit your program package.
- Mail you an accreditation certificate.
Our timeline to review your training program is based on many factors. These include how closely your program meets the standards in the Accreditation Guidelines document.
Accredited training programs
List of all current accredited training courses in Alberta.
Connect with the Training Academy:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-6598
Email: ta-accreditation@gov.ab.ca