Emergency alerts

Alert level descriptions, how alerts are issued and distributed, and Alert Ready resources.


Alberta Emergency Alerts are issued to provide you with critical information about a potentially life-threatening situation in your area, including wildfires, floods, and tornadoes. Emergency alerts include information about the location of an emergency and what action you need to take to protect yourself. Alerts are sent out on TV, radio, websites, social media, the Alberta Emergency Alert mobile app and compatible smart phones.

Various organizations in Alberta issue alerts based on the emergency:

  • Local authorities handle fires, floods, and hazardous materials.
  • Police manage criminal events including AMBER Alerts.
  • Alberta 511 handle hazardous road conditions.
  • Environment Canada oversees weather-related alerts.

Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) supports all alert issuers and communities.

Types of emergency alerts

Emergencies and disasters can occur anywhere, at any time. It is your responsibility to know the types of alerts being issued and ensure you are prepared if there is an emergency or disaster. 

Other alert information

Download the app

Social media