Rural Renewal Stream – Eligibility

Find out if you meet the criteria to apply to the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program - Rural Renewal Stream.

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This page includes eligibility requirements for applicants who have been offered a full-time job in a Designated Community and have an Endorsement of Candidate Letter from the Designated Community.

Applicants to the Rural Renewal Stream may be Temporary Foreign Workers (TFWs) or individuals who are not yet living and working in Canada. Applicants to the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) under this stream must be Refugees living outside of Canada who hold a referral letter from a Referral Partner.

The Rural Renewal Stream has a 2-step process:

  1. Once a community is designated by the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP), the community follows one of these endorsement processes:
    • A Designated Community directly recruits foreign workers to meet labour needs and provides an Endorsement of Candidate letter to selected candidates.
    • A Designated Community completes Alberta’s EMPP referral process to recruit refugees. An EMPP referral partner organization works with the community and the Alberta employer to assist in finding a refugee for the respective labour need. Selected candidate receives an Endorsement of Candidate letter from the community and an EMPP Referral Partner letter from the referral partner.
  2. Candidate submits a Worker Expression of Interest. If selected by the AAIP, the candidate will be invited to submit an application.


Read the requirements to understand which apply to you. Some may differ for temporary foreign workers, individuals not living or working in Canada, and EMPP applicants.

Rural Renewal Stream criteria may apply at the time your application is submitted, at the time the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) assesses your application, or both. Review the criteria carefully to understand eligibility requirements.

Community residency requirement

At the time your application is submitted and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must intend to reside and work in your Designated Community in Alberta or already be living and working in your Designated Community.

Ineligible applicants

Refugee claimants already in Canada.

Community endorsement requirement

At the time your application is submitted and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must have a valid Endorsement of Candidate letter issued by the Economic Development Organization (EDO) of your designated rural community in Alberta. The recommendation must be based on criteria established by the EDO. In addition, you must meet the AAIP Rural Renewal Stream eligibility criteria.

Endorsement of Candidate letter

All candidates must have an Endorsement of Candidate letter from their Designated Community. The letter must be issued by the local EDO of the community and must outline the following:

  • name and address of the EDO supporting the application
  • your full name and residential address
  • details of the bona fide job offer:
    • name of the business
    • name and contact information of the employer
    • location of employment
    • position and description of job duties
    • duration of employment and work conditions
  • detailed description of how filling the position you are offered aligns with the economic growth of the designated community
  • your employer’s efforts to fill the position within Canada and outcomes
  • name, title and contact information of the person issuing the Endorsement of Candidate letter

You must review the requirements for endorsement letters section for details.

Referral Partner letter (for EMPP refugee applicants only)

Letter must be issued by one of the following EMPP referral partners:

  • FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance
  • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
  • International Rescue Committee
  • JumpStart Refugee Talent
  • RefugePoint
  • Talent Beyond Boundaries
  • TalentLift
  • World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

Letter must:

  • include information for the partner organization representative(s) issuing the letter - name, title, email address, phone number, signature
  • include the applicant’s full name and date of birth
  • include the applicant’s job information
  • confirm the referral partner has completed an assessment of the principal applicant relating to the verification of their status, and indicate which following document is held, either:
    • a positive Refugee Status Determination (RSD) from either the UNHCR, or a refugee-hosting state
    • proof of being registered or recorded as a person of concern by the UNHCR, if a positive RSD has not been obtained yet or is not available in the state where the foreign national is residing at the time of their application
    • a refugee certificate with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
    • proof of being registered or recorded as a person of concern by the UNRWA, if a refugee certificate has not been obtained yet
    • and a Temporary Protection Status (TPS) document proof of having Temporary Protected Status issued by the hosting state where you are residing at the time of your application; and a Durable Solution Information (IMM 0195) form

If you do not have one of the documents listed above, you must apply with the support of an EMPP partner who can issue a federal trusted partner referral letter (IMM 0183). The federal trusted partner referral letter must be submitted with your application. The letter must be valid at the time of the application.

Occupation requirements

At the time your application is submitted, and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must have a job offer in an eligible occupation.

An occupation is considered eligible if it is not on the list of in-eligible occupations in Table 1 below. Use IRCC’s Find your NOC tool to find the NOC 2021 version of your occupation. 

Most occupations under NOC TEER categories 0, 1, 2, 3 4 and 5 are eligible under the AAIP.

Ineligible occupations

Individuals with job offers for the following occupations at the time of application submission and assessment are not eligible to apply for or be nominated under the Rural Renewal Stream.

Table 1. List of ineligible occupations

*This National Occupation Classification (NOC) code consists of both eligible occupations and ineligible occupations. The ‘Occupation’ column specifies which occupations are ineligible for each NOC Code listed.
NOC Code (2021)NOC TEER categoryOccupation
60040*0Escort agency managers, massage parlour managers
511111Authors and writers (except technical)
511221Musicians and singers
42200*2Justices of the peace
531213Actors, comedians and circus performers
531223Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
531243Artisans and craftspersons
33100*3Dental laboratory bench workers
441004Home child care providers
441014Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
643214Casino Occupations
551095Other performers
652295Other support occupations in personal services
851015Harvesting Labourers

Job offer requirements

At the time your application is submitted, and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must have a full-time job offer or employment contract from an Alberta employer to work in an eligible occupation within an established business operation in your Designated Community.

Alberta job offers or employment contracts and the Alberta employer offering the job must meet all the requirements outlined on Alberta Job Offer and Employment Requirements.

You are responsible for working with your Alberta employer to ensure that all job offer or employment contract and employer requirements are met. Your application will be declined if these requirements are not met. Your application fee will not be refunded where an application is declined based on Alberta employer requirements not being met.

Ineligible applicants based on job offers

The following individuals are not eligible to apply for or be nominated under the Rural Renewal Stream, even if they have a job offer to work 30 hours a week or more in a 12-month period:

  • part-time, casual or seasonal employees, regardless of their working hours
  • independent contractors, business owners or temporary agency workers, including individuals listed as directors, shareholders or agents of the Alberta employer on the Corporate Registry System (CORES)
  • employees who work in Alberta in a place of employment that is not zoned for commercial or industrial operations, such as a home-based business
  • employees who do not work on premises in Alberta, such as those who work in a ‘virtual’ location or serve the employer by telecommuting from a location outside Alberta

Qualifying work experience requirements

At the time your application is submitted, you must have a minimum of 12 months full-time work experience in an eligible occupation within the last 18 months prior to your application. This work experience can be a combination of experience gained in Alberta, in Canada (outside Alberta) or abroad.

For EMPP applicants: at the time your application is submitted, you must have a minimum of 12 months full-time work experience in an eligible occupation within the last 10 years prior to your application.

For all applicants, work experience in the qualifying period must:

  • have been paid full-time employment, for a minimum of 30 hours a week
  • meet the TEER category requirements in Table 2:

Table 2. Job offer and work experience TEER Categories.

TEER Category of job offer or current occupation is:TEER Category of work experience must be:
TEER 0TEER 0 or 1
TEER 1TEER 0, 1 or 2
TEER 2TEER 1, 2, 3 or 4
TEER 3TEER 1, 2, 3 or 4
TEER 4TEER 2, 3, 4 or 5
TEER 5TEER 5 and must be in the same occupation – NOC code
  • have been authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and with valid temporary resident status if obtained in Canada
  • not have been gained while studying in Canada and doing co-op work placements or internships as part of a study program, unless you are a PGWP holder who completed paid co-op work terms as a part of your program of study at an Alberta post-secondary institution. To qualify, the work terms must have been:
    • paid and full-time (minimum 30 hours per week), and
    • for work experience all gained in Alberta

Post-Graduation Work Permit holders who have completed a 2-year post-secondary education program at an IRCC designated learning institution in their Designated Community are not required to meet the 12 months of work experience criterion.

Licensing, registration and certification requirements

At the time your application is submitted and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must meet the following licensing, registration and certification requirements:

  • You must have the required licensing, registration or certification to work in your current occupation in Alberta or occupation in your Alberta job offer. Information on the occupation specific requirements is on the Alis website.
  • If you are working or have a job offer in a compulsory trade in Alberta, you must have a valid Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Trade (AIT) recognized trade certificate.
  • If you are working as childcare worker in Alberta, you must have valid certification as a Level 2 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Worker) or Level 3 Early Childhood Educator (formerly Child Development Supervisor) prior to applying to AAIP.

Language requirements

Important: You must confirm the TEER Category for your job offer/occupation in the NOC 2021 version and use the TEER Category to determine the minimum language score using Table 3 below.

At the time your application is submitted, you must demonstrate that you meet the following language test score in English or French.

Table 3. Language requirements.

National Occupational Classification (NOC) TEER categoryCanadian Language Benchmark (CLB) test score requiredNiveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) test score required
If your job offer is for NOC 0, 1, 2 or 3 occupationMinimum of 5 for each English language skillMinimum of 5 for each French language skill
If your job offer is for NOC 4 or 5 occupationMinimum of 4 for each English language skillMinimum of 4 for each French language skill

You must provide your official test results with your AAIP application for one of the following language tests:

Official test results must be less than 2 years old at the time your application was submitted. The AAIP will not accept confirmation of registration to take a language test in place of a test result.

Check the federal guideline on CLB NCLC equivalency for each of the tests.

Education requirements

At the time your application is submitted, you must have completed a minimum of high school education equivalent to the Canadian education standard.

Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)

EMPP applicants do not need to provide an ECA.

At the time you submit your application, you must provide a copy of an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) issued by an organization designated by IRCC for your highest level of education. If your ECA report shows that your credential is not equal to completion of at least a Canadian high school diploma, or the ECA states your foreign educational institution is not recognized, you  do not meet the education requirement.

You do not need to provide an ECA if:

  • you have a Canadian degree, diploma or certificate from a Canadian post-secondary, technical college or secondary institution listed as:
  • a recognized institution in the Directory of Educational Institutions in Canada, or
  • an authorized, registered, or licensed institution in the Directory of Educational Institutions in Canada, and the institution was authorized by Advanced Education (for Alberta credentials) or a Canadian provincial or territorial body responsible for education (for credentials issued elsewhere in Canada) to grant your degree, diploma or certificate. Contact your educational institution, Advanced Education (Alberta credentials only) or the appropriate provincial or territorial ministry to confirm if your institution had the authority to grant your credential.
  • you have a valid Alberta Qualification Certificate or a trade certificate recognized by Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT).

The AAIP reserves the right to request an ECA from any candidate and/or to seek an internal educational assessment from the International Qualification Assessment Service (IQAS) or Advanced Education to confirm a candidate meets the minimum Canadian high school equivalent requirement.

Settlement fund requirements

EMPP applicants  do not need to meet settlement fund requirements.

At the time your application is submitted and at the time the AAIP assesses your application, you must demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your family members to settle in your designated community if:

  • you are not residing in Canada, or
  • you are currently in Canada but are not working

Minimum settlement funds requirements are based on the Low Income Cut-Offs (LICOs). The amount of settlement funds you must have depends on the number of family members you have, including yourself, and the population size of your designated community where you plan to settle in Alberta.

Table 4. Settlement funds requirement for Rural Renewal Stream in Canadian dollars.

 Population size of the community and funds required
Number of family membersLess than 1,0001,000 to 30,00030,000 to 99,999
Amount of funds required for each additional family member$2,404$2,735$2,989

Funds must be unencumbered and readily available to you to meet the minimum settlement funds requirement. Real estate property, jewelry, cars and other personal assets are not eligible.

If your spouse is coming with you, you can count money you have together in a joint account. You may be able to count money in an account under your spouse’s name only, but you must prove you have access to the money.

The funds must be available at the time of application and assessment. You must prove to an AAIP officer that you can legally access the funds when you arrive in Alberta.

You must provide official letters from any banks or financial institutions where your funds are kept.

Letter(s) must:

  • be printed on the financial institution’s letterhead
  • include contact information of the financial institution – address, telephone number and email address
  • include your name
  • list all outstanding debts such as credit card debts and loans
  • include, for each current bank and investment account, the:
    • account numbers
    • date each account was opened
    • current balance of each account

In addition, ensure you include bank statements showing transactions made within the past 3 months, and the average balance for the past 6 months

Ensure you review each section to confirm all requirements have been met. Ensure all necessary documentation is submitted for a complete application.


Connect with the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program if you have questions about this program.