Rent assistance

Monthly rent benefits are available to help Albertans in need to afford their rent.

Government subsidizes affordable housing programs, while local housing providers are responsible for managing the program and selecting tenants.


The Rent Supplement Program provides a subsidy to help make rental accommodation more affordable for individuals and families. See below for the 2 types of rent supplement benefits.

Under the Canada-Alberta Housing Benefit, the Governments of Canada and Alberta jointly provide funding for the Rent Supplement Program. This initiative is part of the National Housing Strategy. To learn more about how the province and the federal government support affordable housing in Alberta, see Canada-Alberta Affordable Housing Agreements.

The Government of Alberta also provides affordable housing units. To find out about the available options, who is eligible and how to apply, see Affordable housing.


To qualify for provincial affordable housing programs, applicants must:

  • have an income below local income limits as determined by the market for that community. Check the income thresholds document to see if your income qualifies
  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, refugee, applicant of refugee or immigrant status; or landed immigrant for whom private sponsorship has broken down
  • evacuees from Ukraine with Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel are eligible to apply

Note: The Temporary Rent Assistance Benefit has additional eligibility criteria.

Types of rent assistance

Note: The Private Landlord Rent Supplement is now closed. Current recipients will transition to the Rent Assistance Benefit as funding agreements for those units expire.

How to apply

To apply for the Rent Supplement Program:

Step 1. Answer a few questions

Use the Find Housing tool to see which housing options are available to meet your needs.

Find Housing

Step 2. Select a housing provider

Look through the available options that are displayed in the Find Housing tool after you answer the questions, and choose a local housing provider that offers a program that suits your situation.

Step 3. Get an application

Contact the housing provider for an application for rent assistance. You will find contact information for providers at the end of the Find Housing tool.


Connect with us if you have questions about rent assistance and affordable housing:

Alberta Supports Contact Centre
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:30 pm
Phone: 1-877-644-9992 (toll-free)
Phone: 780-644-9992 (Edmonton)