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Zone Designations and Deeper Rights Reversion Library

Zone Designations (ZD) and Deeper Rights Reversion Zone Designations (DRRZD) are used to describe mineral rights for agreements administration.

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Zone Designations (ZDs) were created in the early 1950s for the natural gas agreements and describe specific intervals or zones proven capable of producing gas in paying quantities. The name of the ZD generally describes the productive interval included in the type well. More importantly, the interval depicted on the type well log specified in the ZD describes the rights held by the natural gas lessee. Alberta Energy and Minerals uses the defined depth interval in a ZD to exclusively identify the mineral rights granted in mineral agreements.

Deeper Rights Reversion Zone Designations (DRRZDs) were introduced in 1976 to allow for petroleum and natural gas rights, below the base of the deepest productive zone, to be deleted from an agreement and returned to the land bank. This policy was meant to encourage additional development of deeper rights. When using a DRRZD, the name of the stratigraphic interval is most important. As noted in Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)* Decision 95-10, the name of the zone identified takes precedence over the depths identified when using a DRRZD for Crown mineral agreements.

Information letter 1998-14 explains DRRZDs and ZDs in detail.


ZD and DRRZD map identifies the administrative boundaries of active DRRZDs and ZDs including their corresponding key well log types and intervals used for rights administration.

The base map data is provided by the Government of Alberta under the Open Government Licence. Users are responsible for verifying the data before making decisions based on these maps and reference wells.


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