Part of Forestry

Regulated forestry professionals

These professionals work with both the government and the forest industry to apply sound forestry principles and practices.


Alberta relies on the competence and professionalism of Regulated Forestry Professionals (RFP) to apply sound forestry principles and practices.

Regulated Forestry Professionals must follow specific standards and a Code of Ethics to practice forestry on public lands in Alberta. They are accountable to the public and their peers. Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) and Registered Professional Forest Technicians (RPFTs) work for both government and the forest industry.

Legislation and standards

The Regulated Forest Management Profession Act establishes regulations for RPFs and RPFTs. Through the act, the government has delegated the self-regulation of professional foresters to:

  • College of Alberta Professional Foresters (CAPF) and
  • College of Alberta Professional Forest Technologists (CAPFT)

Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard

Forest Management Plans in Alberta are prepared by Regulated Forestry Professionals and must follow the Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard.

The Alberta Forest Management Planning Standard (Annex 2, Role of Regulated Forestry Professionals in Forest Management) is the source document for RFP validation requirements. Applicable checklists accompany validated forest management submissions to Alberta to show the submitting RFPs due diligence in preparing the submission and to focus Alberta's review.


Registered Forestry Professional Due Diligence Practise of Department Staff

RFP checklists

Forest management validation requirements and checklists are provided in digital format for the RFPs use when making forest management submissions to Alberta.

Checklists and documents requiring validation must be printed, signed, and submitted with the relevant submission.

Alberta FMP checklists

Timber production

Regeneration survey

Timber operations reporting
