New and proposed legislation

New and proposed Government of Alberta legislation.

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78 results
The Municipal Government Amendment Act (Bill 77) gives municipalities the tools to collect overdue taxes owed by oil and gas companies.
The Arts Professions Recognition Act (Bill 75) supports the importance of contracts, ensuring artists are paid fairly and encouraging greater respect for art as a profession.
Actions to strengthen innovation and support the development of a highly skilled and competitive workforce.
The Infrastructure Accountability Act (Bill 73) increases transparency and accountability by setting a guiding framework for long-term, priority-based public infrastructure planning.
The Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act (Bill 72) gives Alberta the ability to restrict the export of crude oil and natural gas if necessary.
The COVID-19 Related Measures Act (Bill 70) extends COVID-19 civil liability protection to the health sector, including continuing care.
The Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 66) enhances health and safety protections while improving transparency during public health emergencies.
Taking action to strengthen public health care so all Albertans have access to sustainable and high quality health services.
The Recall Act (Bill 52) gives Albertans a way to remove elected officials they feel are not upholding their responsibilities.
The Citizen Initiative Act (Bill 51) allows Albertans to bring important matters to government for consideration.
The Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act, 2020 (Bill 47) provides funding to eligible families of first responders who sacrificed their life to maintain public safety.
The Financial Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (Bill 44) grows innovation and competition within the financial sector while modernizing and improving oversight and cutting red tape.